Saturday, December 26, 2009

Watchin' Rudolph with HK

Day tripper

In front of the Joseph Bros. garage founded by Great-Great Grandpa in Fredricksburg.

Nce aquacar, Mister President.

At the LBJ ranch in the Hill County, where wreath-encircled taxidermy specimens adorned the trees in Christmas celebration.

Christmas comin' early

Little-known fact: Dallas is the train capital of the Earth.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Big Twelve

And how 'bout a pre-game hug....

Help momma stir the Chex mix...

Horns up...

Breakfast with Santa

At St. Louis:

Breakfast, yes: Star-shaped pancakes please. Making a Nativity scene at the craft table: Why not?
Santa, though: That's one scary old bright red-wearing, big white beard-growing, North Pole-living, reindeer driving man. John-Henry has never clung to Daddy so tightly. Consequently, no photos available (for a second consecutive year. Last year, you may recall, Mall Santa was on his smoke break.)

Tree trimmin'

And the final flourish...

Up we go...

Help momma with the ornaments....


Trick or treat