Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day

On Tuesday evening we went to the Dog & Duck Pub to catch some Irish music for St. Patrick's Day. There were lots and lots of people there.

This is what happens when you have no afternoon nap and then you party Irish style:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A little off the top

On Saturday afternoon, we went to the Crestview Barber Shop. We sat by the gumball machine to wait our turn.

They had a horsey chair! Nothing bad ever happens in a horsey chair.

Haircuts feel nice. Plus I got to hold a wand.

Jared was a real good barber.

No more curls! To celebrate my first haircut, we all went to a Vietnamese restaurant (not Jared - he had to work) for noodles and spring rolls. They gave us fortune cookies, and mine said: "Avoid focusing on negative aspects of the past."

You say it's your birthday?

John-Henry celebrated the big Numero Uno last month with plenty of family and friends.

Tearing into his little cake

With Mommy holding the cake Grandma Karen made

Checking out the balloons with Pops - Hudson was a little freaked out by them.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Holy Guacamole!

After a long romp at the playground yesterday, Daddy and I went to Julio's and just massacred a whole plate of nachos. The avocados called for reinforcements, but even though the battle was decisively won, we went ahead and slaughtered those too. It was pretty heartless.