Saturday, December 26, 2009

Watchin' Rudolph with HK

Day tripper

In front of the Joseph Bros. garage founded by Great-Great Grandpa in Fredricksburg.

Nce aquacar, Mister President.

At the LBJ ranch in the Hill County, where wreath-encircled taxidermy specimens adorned the trees in Christmas celebration.

Christmas comin' early

Little-known fact: Dallas is the train capital of the Earth.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Big Twelve

And how 'bout a pre-game hug....

Help momma stir the Chex mix...

Horns up...

Breakfast with Santa

At St. Louis:

Breakfast, yes: Star-shaped pancakes please. Making a Nativity scene at the craft table: Why not?
Santa, though: That's one scary old bright red-wearing, big white beard-growing, North Pole-living, reindeer driving man. John-Henry has never clung to Daddy so tightly. Consequently, no photos available (for a second consecutive year. Last year, you may recall, Mall Santa was on his smoke break.)

Tree trimmin'

And the final flourish...

Up we go...

Help momma with the ornaments....


Trick or treat

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mother's Little Helper

Yeah, yeah, posts about John-Henry's vocabulary hardly qualify as news anymore. And it's no secret that kids repeat what they hear from grown-ups. But come on:

"Husson, take a cheel peel!"

Friday, October 23, 2009

Punkin' Patch

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! Happy Fall!

Howdy, Folks!

JT got to see Big Tex for the second time when we went to the State Fair with Grandma & Pops. He still keeps saying, "Howdy, folks" and "This is Big Tex talkn' to ya!"

Hangin' with Grandma & Pops

We spent a great long weekend with Grandma & Pops last week. We packed lots of fun into 5 days!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Day Out With Thomas - Part II

OK, this was too funny not to post - it is JT's reaction to seeing "Big Ol' Thomas" for the first time.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Day Out With Thomas

OK, so yesterday was probably the most exciting day of John-Henry's life. He got to see and ride on an engine that looked just like Thomas the Tank Engine. Grandma and PaPa took him to Burnet, TX and they played and visited with Thomas all afternoon.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Port "A"

At the beginning of August we went to the coast with our good friends the Scheibals. The boys had a blast playing in the sand and turning their buckets and shovels into drums.

Ireland - Part II

More pics of the trip and the lovely countryside

Friday, June 19, 2009


Wow, sorry for the delay on blog posts. Mommy & Daddy have been really busy.
We went to Ireland in June with the whole family and had an amazing time. Here's some pics:

Irish playgrounds are even funner than American ones!

Hiking with Daddy

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tent post

Say, boy, wasn't that tent over by the stereo just a minute ago?

You can see Stacy sitting in the chair, right? No strings. Mickey's behind the camera, obviously. And Hud -- God love him -- nobody seriously thinks Hudson is capable of working this kind of magic...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dancing Machine

John-Henry enjoys some Dr. John with Daddy

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Easter

OK, he wasn't really happy about having his picture taken but these were too funny not to post.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We Love LA

Mommy and John-Henry tagged along on Daddy's business trip a few weeks ago to LA and had a grand old time.

Enjoying the sculpture garden at LACMA

At The Getty Center with Daddy

JT was really into the parakeets in the hotel lobby

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Words: John-Henry says 'em. He's been hitting all the standard syllables for awhile now, the da's and ma's and ga's and so on. But in the last few weeks he has started repeating words with multiple consonants, such as baby, duck, moon and broom. We heard part of "Easter" the other day too. And he knows what he's talking about. "Broom" came while pointing at the broom out back, "duck" while pointing at a picture of a rooster on some hotel wallpaper (close enough).
But this is the kicker: Tonight at a restaurant in Park La Brea, J.T. pointed to the slab of ground turkey topped with lettuce, tomato and seared onion stuffed between two sides of a roll in his mother's hand and said, "Burger."
Again, close enough. That's my boy. Momma gave him a big old bite.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day

On Tuesday evening we went to the Dog & Duck Pub to catch some Irish music for St. Patrick's Day. There were lots and lots of people there.

This is what happens when you have no afternoon nap and then you party Irish style:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A little off the top

On Saturday afternoon, we went to the Crestview Barber Shop. We sat by the gumball machine to wait our turn.

They had a horsey chair! Nothing bad ever happens in a horsey chair.

Haircuts feel nice. Plus I got to hold a wand.

Jared was a real good barber.

No more curls! To celebrate my first haircut, we all went to a Vietnamese restaurant (not Jared - he had to work) for noodles and spring rolls. They gave us fortune cookies, and mine said: "Avoid focusing on negative aspects of the past."