Friday, September 19, 2008

The way things are in the car

Daddy drives:

Sometimes Mommy drives:

John-Henry sleeps:

And, so far, Hudson has not been sick. Yay, Hudson!

John-Henry, John Henry

On Wednesday we stopped in Summers County, WV to get a look at the statue of John Henry erected by the Hilldale-Talcott Ruritan Club. The big man towered over the entrance to the Big Bend railroad tunnel on the old Chessie line. That's where he was supposed to have died, driving steel to beat the baron's new machine. Hudson was scared, but I wasn't.

Cranny Crow

On Tuesday we took a rest from traveling. Everyone was happy to be out of the car. We made the long hike to Cranny Crow, the park's centerpiece vantage. Daddy carried me, and I caught up on sleep in the backpack carrier (I leaned forward so long I rubbed a little blister onto my forehead). I woke up when we got to the top. Daddy got real quiet, but he was smiling a lot. It sure was pretty.

Lost River, Mathais, WV

We spent Monday and Tuesday at beautiful Lost River state park in Mathais, WV. JT went hiking for the first time. Hudson remembered the place from our last trip and kept trying to go to cabin 17 instead of ours next door. He also seemed perplexed as to why Jeff and the rest of the crew weren't there.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello, Washington, D.C.

The first stop on our trip to Austin was Washington, DC. We arrived on Sunday evening and spent the night with Linda & Stim. Thanks for the hospitality y'all!

Daddy & Hudson at a rest area:

John-Henry playing with his toys (thanks, Lisa):

Monday, September 15, 2008

Goodbye Brooklyn

We said a tearful goodbye to Jeff, Jenni & Revelie and hit the road on Sunday. We had a great 10 years - we'll miss you all!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

JT Loves His Big Sis

Sadie was in town for Labor Day weekend and we all had tons of fun! She sure does know how to make John-Henry smile. Even though he was exhausted he didn't want to close his eyes for a minute while she was here.

Open up:

Say, cheese: