Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Full Days When Daddy's Home

Spreadin' smiles straight out of the crib makes for a long day...

Brooklyn in Bloom

Last weekend, Momma and John-Henry went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for the Cherry Blossom Festival, comparing the blossoms to those we'd seen in DC.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chillin Poolside

John-Henry had his first experience with a pool in Texas - hhe didn't really seem to like it. In fact, the moment daddy put his feet in he started screaming. He warmed up to it a bit and mommy hopes that as he gets older and the pool gets warmer he will come to love swimming as much as she did as a kid.

Big Sisters Rule

The most important person John-Henry met was his big sister Sadie. Sadie lives in Houston and came to Austin to visit for the weekend. We can't wait for all the things she will teach John-Henry as he grows up. We love you, Sadie!

Grandparent Time

One of the best things about the trip to Texas was all the time John-Henry got to spend with his grandparents. We stayed with grandma & grandpa Lenaburg and grandma & grandpa Brick joined us in Austin for a long weekend.

Friends Forever

John-Henry met some of mom and dad's oldest friends on the trip to Texas. He was a baby about town and was so good (and mostly asleep) while being wheeled around town. Pictured to the left is mom's friend Rachel and dad's friend Scott.

The Greatest Aunt of All

John-Henry also got to meet his great, great aunt Nettie. Nettie is John-Henry's oldest living relative and we are so glad we got to see so much of her on this visit. John-Henry really took to Nettie and her "Nettie swing" calmed him down instantly. They also enjoyed watching "Dancing With the Stars" together. John-Henry thinks the ice skating champ should win even though he doesn't remember her name...

Aunts, Uncles and Cousins...oh, my!

John-Henry made his first trip to Texas in April. He visited Austin and San Antonio and met his uncle Jeremy, grandpa Dennis and all mom's aunts, uncles and cousins.
Pictured top to bottom to the left are: great uncle Skip, great aunt Therese & cousin Brett, great aunt DiDi and cousin Sierra.